Digital barograph guide

A digital barograph is an electronic barometer that records atmospheric pressure over time and displays the changes in that pressure in graphical form. Below is a comparison of the features, specifications and prices of digital recording barometers currently available on the market.

The Steamrock NB-42 Digital Barometer is a standalone device manufactured in Taiwan. It operates a long time on one set of batteries and is the only Barometer featuring a sun-readable e-paper display and utilizing NFC for setup and control. Its casings come in four colors.

Pros: alarms, wide pressure range, WMO tendency symbols and three-hour trends, high contrast glare-free display. Cons: no backlight.

Steamrock Barometer
Steamrock NB-42

NASA Marine MeteoMan

The NASA Marine MeteoMan is a low-to-moderately priced barograph that has been available on the market for a long time. Its casing is only available in dark gray.

Pros: display large, operation reliable, menu simple.  Cons: external power required, casing substandard plastic, no dedicated elevation setting.

Nasa Marine MeteoMan barograph
Nasa MeteoMan Barometer

Bohlken Westerland BG1512

The BG1512 Marine Barograph is a moderately priced device manufactured by Bohlken Westerland, Germany. This recording barometer has been on the market for a long time. Its casing is available in black only. It has three models, each featuring a different color display backlight. 

Pros: NMEA data output, precise.  Cons: display small, lack of detail due to display resolution.

Bohlken digital marine barometer
Bohlken Marine Barograph

VION A4000.2

The A4000.2 Electronic Barometer is an inexpensive device manufactured in China previously marketed by Weems & Plath and currently marketed by Denmark Company Delite. It comes in only one casing color, gray.

Pros: cheap. Cons: freezing, need for periodic resetting, outdated moon phase calendar, poor graph display resolution.

VION electronic barograph
VION Electronic Barometer


The DBX2 Precision Barometer is a second generation device produced by Aquatech Science Instruments in the United States. This electronic barograph is a slightly higher moderately priced device. Its casing is made of anodized aluminum and comes in two colors. 

Pros: wide pressure range, precise, reliable. Cons: display small, limited graph resolution.

ASI DBX2 precision barograph
ASI DBX2 Precision Barometer

Mintaka Duo

The Mintaka Duo Precision Digital Barograph is the highest moderately priced device on the market. It was designed by experienced sailors and is marketed by Mintaka Innovations in the United States. This reliable barometer comes in two different colored casings.

Pros: precise, multi-featured, wide pressure range, WMO tendency symbols and three-hour trend, software analysis tools.   Cons: display small, low resolution, complicated PC connection.

Mintaka Duo barometer
Mintaka Duo Precision Barograph

Steamrock SB-42

The Steamrock SB-42 Digital Barometer is a moderately priced device manufactured in Taiwan. It operates a long time on one set of batteries and is the only device featuring a sun-readable e-paper display. Its casings come in four colors.

Pros: wide pressure range, WMO tendency symbols and three-hour trends, high contrast glare-free display. Cons: no backlight.

Steamrock SB-42 Digital Barometer


The Traceable Barometer is the name that this inexpensive device is usually sold under, though it goes by different brand names depending on the marketer. This battery operated barometer comes in one casing color only. 

Pros:  cheap, NIST traceable certificate provided. Cons: plastic casing substandard in appearance, rudimentary graph.

Traceable digital barometer
Traceable Barometer


The Barigo Digital Barometer is more than twice as expensive as any other digital barometer on the market. It is made by a renowned producer of mechanical barographs in Germany.  It comes in different nice casings, including mahogany and brushed aluminum.

Pros: display large, easy to read, reliable brand. Cons: bulky, highly priced.

Barigo electronic barometer
Barigo Digital Barograph


NASA Marine MeteoMan 150 * 112 * 42 mmNasa MeteoMan barometer
Bohlken Westerland BG1512155 * 92 * 65 mmBohlken barometer
VION A4000.2165 * 103 * 30 mmVION barometer
ASI DBX2120 * 78 * 43 mmASI DBX2 barometer
Mintaka Duo99 * 92 * 33 mmMintaka Duo barometer
Steamrock105 * 105 * 25 mmSteamrock SB42 barometer
Traceable76 * 102 * 25 mmTraceable barometer
Barigo205 * 130 * 38 mmBarigo barometer


NASA Marine MeteoMan

850 to 1100 hPa
Bohlken Westerland BG1512

900 to 1080 hPa
VION A4000.2

850 to 1100 hPa


300 to 1100 hPa

Mintaka Duo

500 to 1080 hPa


500 to 1100 hPa


500 to 1030 hPa


940 to 1070 hPa


NASA MeteoMan

External 9 – 15V DC


External 9 – 35V DC
VION A4000.2
External 6 – 12V DC
or 4 x AA cells
or USB 5V DC


External 7 – 14V DC

Mintaka Duo

External 12V DC
or USB 5V DC


3 x AAA cells


3 x AAA cells


External 10 – 30V DC


Digital Barograph Price Comparisons


Steamrock NB-42 NFC Demo by Steamrock Inc.


Mintaka Duo by David Burch

Steamrock SB-42 by Steamrock Inc.

How to Set Up Your Weems & Plath Electronic Marine Barometer by Weems Plath

ASI DBX2 Review Part 1 by Buckeye Wx

ASI DBX2 Review Part 2 by Buckeye Wx


Air Temperature Dependence of Sea Level Pressure Conversions by David Burch